' Only One Thing Counts in This World: The ' True Good Will ', The Good Karma;
and it Will carry the fruits of its works to the next life ... '
and it Will carry the fruits of its works to the next life ... '
The union of a Soul with Spirit, in a Form ( flesh ); produces Consciousness
' The Son aspect '.
' The Son aspect '.
Esoteric Christianity as it appears before and after 5th century AD; NON Biblical writings!
Select from: 168 title(s).
The word energy ..."... id#710
The word energy ..., much more inside! ...
The Ageless Wisdom Teachings"... id#690
The Ageless Wisdom Teachings, much more inside! ...
Gnosticism; The Hidden Gospel of the Gnosis of the Great Invisible Spirit, Eleleth.
As I sat looking inwardly, withdrawn into the Silence of my inner vitality, I felt the sensation ...
Gnosticism" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(43, 166, 203); text-decoration: none; line-height: inherit;" title="Gnosticism">Gnosticism.
Three separate meanings of the term may be distinguis ...
Gnosticism)" title="Sophia Gnosticism ">Sophia (Gnosticism)
Spirits are androgynous intelligent energy that dwell in visible and nonvisible Multiver ...
Pistis Sophia; Sixth-Mystery and Four-and-Twentieth Mystery, much more inside! ...
Sethian Gnosticism - A Literary History"... id#203
John D. Turner
' Reposted with personal permission from Prof. John D. Turner '
John D. Turner is both Professor of Religious Studies and Professor ...
What is Gnostic and Gnosticism?"... id#496
Prof. April D. DeConick on; Gnosticism.
These do not refer to a religion, like Judaism and Christianity do. While there are Gnostic religions, there is not a Gnostic religion. What ...
Quantum consciousness, the Torus Effect, parallel dimension, much more inside! ...
Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Consciousness:, much more inside! ...
An extract from:
The Tripartite Tractate from Nag Hammadi, much more inside! ...
Gnostic Myth, or What Gnostics Believed"... id#559
Gnosticism". This word
denotes a broad religious and philosophical movement originating in the
1st century AD.
So, why did this teaching of Gnostics cause 2nd-century Orthodox
Christians wage wild war a ...
The Sophia of Jesus Christ"... id#669
The Sophia of Jesus Christ, much more inside! ...
Proclaiming The Perfect Man"... id#251
Proclaiming The Perfect Man, much more inside! ...
The Etheric Soul, Incarnation, and Preparation for the Afte, much more inside! ...
Gnosticism and the Demonic Deception
by fb Bosco Childers
Almost all forced ego identities are based in heavy 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra) addiction programs lodged in the Pain Body, as these iden ...
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" The Logos-Wisdom is the principle of all Divine and Esoteric Revelations.
She has the characteristics of being the indwelling revealer of God.
She IS the active principle and the transmitter of all Divine knowledge as well as
the Cosmological cause of all Creation. "